According to § 5 TMG
Vascular Center Berlin
Cimbernstr. 7
14129 Berlin
Mandatory information according to §5 Telemedi- mitsetz:
Supervisory Authority: Berlin Medical Association
Job Title: Doctor
awarded in: Germany
Professional code for doctors
Health Care Act: Berlin Chamber Act
Note: Operator and responsible for the content of this site within the meaning of § 5 Telemediengesetz (TMG) is Prof. Dr. med. med. K.-L. Schulte. For content of linked external websites of third parties we can not assume any liability despite careful control. This is the sole responsibility of the operator of the website.
Responsible for the content acc. § 55 RStV
Prof. Dr. med. K.-L. Schulte
Vascular Center Berlin
Cimbernstr. 7
14129 Berlin
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